Meet the Team: Jodee McWilliams Hoover

November 17, 2021

Meet Jodee McWilliams Hoover, one of the women responsible for the day-to-day running of the Richard Murphy Hospice House Foundation and Gala.

Meet the Team: Jodee McWilliams Hoover

Meet Jodee McWilliams Hoover, one of the women responsible for the day-to-day running of the Richard Murphy Hospice House Foundation and Gala. Her dedication and enthusiasm allows the Richard Murphy Hospice House to support and welcome people of all walks of life.

What is your role at the Richard Hospice House?

The Executive Director of the Richard Murphy Hospice Foundation.

How long have you worked at the Richard Hospice House?

Four years.

What do you find the most challenging about working at the Richard Hospice House?

I love my job. The most challenging thing is when we are faced with things out of our control like a National pandemic or natural disaster. I challenge myself everyday to raise more money for the house and educate everyone on the importance of it.

What is your proudest moment at the Richard Hospice House?

I have so many proud moments. I think it was my first time at my first gala. When I realized how many people that love and support the house were attending the event.

What three words best describe you?

Dedicated, compassionate, and determined.

Do you have a favorite quote? Why?

“This too shall pass.” My mom used to say this to me — She is deceased after her fight with breast cancer 16 years ago. She used hospice care which gives me the ability to emphasize with the family and patients.

Is there anything you want to share about the Richard Hospice House?

This house is so wonderful and helps so many people. Every person has a story that comes in that house. We love honoring them and will continue to tell their stories.  Our community is a blessing in so many ways. We are so thankful to each and everyone of them. We could not do it without them. All the volunteers who give up their time to put on this gala. I’m so blessed to be around so many wonderful people. Donna Olivia, is the heart of the hospice house. I have learned so much from her and our friendship and teamwork is something that’s so strong. This house brings so many people together in so many different ways. I am the fortunate one to be a part of it.

