Thank You from Katie Allen
We would like to share a very nice Thank You letter from Katie Allen in regards to her grandpa James Allen Sr.'s stay at Hospice House.

Good afternoon,
My name is Katie Allen. My grandpa, James Allen Sr., passed away at your facility on November 8 of last year with my dad at his side. This upcoming anniversary is proving to be quite difficult for me to deal with, so I wanted to take a few minutes today to send you a note of my sincerest gratitude.
A few days prior to his death, I visited my grandpa at the hospital in McComb. It still causes me immense pain to remember how much he was suffering in the hospital. It brings me great solace to know that he got to spend his final day in comfort at your wonderful facility. I'm so glad to know that in the end, he wasn't suffering, and was well taken care of. I admire your mission so much, and really appreciate that you don't allow financial hardships to prevent the terminally ill from passing on in peace. I wish there were more people in the world like you guys.
Thank you so much for the comfort you've provided to my family, and countless other families as well. It means more than any of us can ever say. It really helps me right now, knowing that there are such kind people in the world who want to give others dignity and peace. Thank you for your continued dedication to this cause.
I hope you have a great day.
Best regards,